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Primary, Secondary & Post-16 Mastery Specialists
and NCETM Professional / School Development Leads

Teaching for Mastery

The Teaching for Mastery Programme comprises a range of projects and activities at the heart of all Maths Hubs’ work.


Maths Hub Projects 2024-25

The Cambridge Maths Hub offers free, high-quality Professional Development across the region covering mathematical subject knowledge and pedagogy in all educational phases.



Our blog features articles by members of the maths hub.  We aim to publish new posts several times each term and feature content related to mathematics and/or education.


There will be an opportunity to join the Maths Hub leadership team with a one day secondment to CMH. 



If you would like to talk with a Specialist, the programme leader or a local headteacher about the benefits of getting involved, please email for further details.

Watch videos of teachers who are engaged in the Maths Hub programmes:


''Through working with the maths hub, my maths lead is developing high quality teaching pedagogy (which is transferable across much of the curriculum), gaining a remarkable depth of subject knowledge and improving her leadership skills particularly around delivering PD to other teachers and embedding good practice across the school.''

                                                                                   Beci McCaughran, Headteacher Fulbourn Primary School

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