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Developing A Level Pedagogy

Develop improved teaching approaches for A level Mathematics.


Who can take part?

Participants will be established teachers of A level Maths who are looking to deepen their pedagogical understanding. They must be teaching a current A level Maths group. 

This Work Group would be particularly useful for those who may have already completed other A level subject knowledge and pedagogy CPD.


What is involved?

This project explores and deepens participants' pedagogical and content knowledge, empowering teachers to enhance their classroom practice and to influence department-wide A level teaching. It is an engine for improving student understanding of A level Maths, and driving their subsequent success. Participants will design and trial classroom activities, sharing and reflecting on their experiences with others in the Work Group.

The project involves a direct working partnership between the Maths Hubs Network and the Advanced Mathematics Support Programme (AMSP).

We will be exploring A level Pedagogy using the principles of Teaching For Mastery (TfM), considering how to support students of all attainment levels to develop deeper understanding. This Work Group will explore how the principles of Teaching for Mastery can be applied within the A level curriculum. We will focus on encouraging students to make connections between ideas and adapt teaching strategies to foster meaningful learning. Key areas of exploration include looking at how to new topics to foster a coherent learning progression, using mathematical representations to help students understand structures, and promoting active mathematical thinking through pattern recognition and reasoning. 


What will you learn?
Your students will have a deeper conceptual understanding of the A level Maths content
You will understand the purpose of the Overarching Themes, including use of technology, and their impact on teaching and learning in A level Maths
You and your department will have a better understanding of how ideas behind teaching for mastery can be used in the classroom
You and your department will have a deeper understanding of content pedagogic knowledge for A level Maths

What is the cost?
The Developing A Level Pedagogy project is fully funded by the Maths Hubs Programme and the AMSP so is free to participating schools/colleges.

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