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A Book Look everyone can get behind


By Mark Dawes (December 2020)

This isn’t about book scrutiny, which some people don’t like, and which was the subject of the second-ever blog post on this site.

Instead, our Book Look is a new series of comments from members of the Cambridge Maths Hub about books that are relevant to mathematics education.

These won’t be long and won’t be a full book review.  Instead we are asking our colleagues to answer two questions:

  1. What have you read recently?

  2. How has it affected your thinking/practice?

We hope this will have a number of benefits:

  1. The writer of the Book Look will therefore reflect on some of the implications of what they have read.

  2. Readers of the Book Look might find the idea useful for their own thinking/practice.

  3. Readers might be encouraged to read the book.

  4. More than one person can comment on the same book, because they might have been affected by different ideas.

The first Book Look is now available here.  Maths Lead for the Cambridge Maths Hub, Cordelia Myers, writes about A mathematician’s manifesto for rethinking gender.

Do have a Look!





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