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About the Cambridge Maths Hub – September 2020


By Mark Dawes (September 2020)

This blog post is aimed at those who want to find out more about the Cambridge Maths Hub, either because they are new to teaching maths, are new to our region, or want an update as to what is going on in this strangest of years!

The Maths Hub programme

There are 40 Maths Hubs across England, each based in a school. The NCETM coordinates the work of the hubs in providing CPD to teachers of mathematics from early years, through primary and secondary school to sixth form. The NCETM website has recently been entirely rewritten and now focuses on the work of the hubs.

Work Groups

The main model for CPD is via Work Groups. The majority of these are developed centrally by teachers working with the NCETM and are then available on a local level, led by teachers from each of the hubs. In general, these consist of several sessions, with the opportunity to engage with ideas, explore materials, carry out planning and share ideas. Then the participants have an opportunity to try out some of the ideas in their own classrooms, before discussing the outcomes at a subsequent session.

Teaching for Mastery

A major plank of the work of the NCETM and the hubs is Teaching for Mastery. Introducing and developing mastery in a primary school or a secondary school is a long-term, multi-year process that is led by highly experienced and well-trained local mastery leads.

The Cambridge Maths Hub

The Maths Hub Lead, Cordelia Myers, is based at Cambourne Village College, to the west of Cambridge. Our region stretches from Linton up to the north Norfolk coast, and from Peterborough across to Bury St Edmunds. Our website gives more information about our activities.

Cambridge Maths Hub Work Groups 2020-21

These will take place remotely (via Zoom). In most cases, this year’s Work Groups will be ones that have taken place in previous years, adapted to make them work well with Zoom. Membership of a Work Group will be a great way to maintain contact with teachers from other schools and settings at a time when our physical movements are likely to be constrained.

There is a complete list of our Work Groups on this webpage. I won’t mention them all here but would urge you to look at the link! There are groups for EY, for primary (the Mastery Readiness groups are nearly full), for secondary and for post-16. Some of the Work Groups focus on cross-phase work (such as the Y5-Y8 continuity project) and give an opportunity for primary and secondary teachers from related catchment areas to work together. There are also groups aimed at NQTs and teaching assistants.

Other activity from the Cambridge Maths Hub

There are lots of different opportunities and roles within the maths hubs. Those who lead Work Groups are automatically part of our group of local leaders of maths education (LLME) and are invited to the termly half-day conference. Adverts for seconded roles within the hub are posted on the hub website.

During lockdown (in March – July 2020), a group of teachers from the hub compiled some interesting lockdown lessons for each year group. They are on the hub website.

Our blog is regularly updated, with articles written by local teachers.

Join our mailing list

If you haven’t signed up to our mailing list, then please do so here.

Do use the contact details on that page if you have any queries about the work of the Cambridge Maths Hub. I hope you have a good (and safe) term.






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