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Stars of the Cambridge Maths Hub!


By Mark Dawes (February 2019)

One of the great things about working with the Cambridge Maths Hub is that you get to meet and learn from lots of talented people.  It is therefore a real delight when some of those colleagues in the Hub are recognised nationally for their excellent work.

Catriona Shearer

Every fortnight The Guardian website carries a column based around mathematical puzzles and problems.  Written by the author and populariser of mathematics Alex Bellos, it is always a treasure trove of interesting problems.  In mid-January the column featured geometrical puzzles that had originally been tweeted by Catriona Shearer.  Catriona is a long-standing work group leader for the Hub and her geometrical problems are not only excellent puzzles but also look great.

James Baker

The Chartered College of Teaching publishes a peer-reviewed journal of articles about teaching and learning.  In the most recent issue James Baker, who leads several Cambridge Maths Hub work groups, had an article published: “A case study examining the year 9 student experience of the use of video feedback in mathematics lessons”.  Fortunately, this article is available as open-access here:

James runs the Maths Education Research discussion group.  The next meeting of the group (which is for primary and secondary teachers) is on 8 March 2019, from 4:30 – 5:30pm.  More info here:

Julie Jacques

Julie works at Cambourne Village College and leads TA work groups for the Cambridge Maths Hub.  The SSAT recently featured an article on their website in which Julie explains her work both in the classroom and for the Hub.  The article is here:

Impington Village College and Warboys Primary School

These two schools hosted teachers from Shanghai as part of the recent exchange.  There were only 8 secondary schools selected from across the whole country and we were therefore extremely fortunate that one of them was in Cambridgeshire.

Congratulations to all!



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