Strategic Board
Cambridge Maths Hub is supported by a Strategic Board whose key role is to provide strategic advice, challenge and support to the Maths Hub leadership. Our Board consists of representatives from the following:
Maths Hub Leadership team
Local schools and colleges who, together, bring understanding of the early years, primary, secondary and Post-16 phases of education.
University of Cambridge
Local Authority
Teaching Schools
Local employer
The Strategic Board meets three times a year to discuss the work of the Hub and its outcomes. Members of the hub’s strategic board represent a wide variety of expertise from the worlds of education, maths and beyond. The board’s input contributes to the ongoing success of the hub.
We have some key local leaders who are able to offer advice and guidance to the Hub.
List of our Strategic Board Members:
Andrew Daly (Chair)
Executive Principal, Meridian Trust
Emma Fuller (Vice Chair)
Senior Adviser for Teaching & Learning, Local Authority
James Freeman (Vice Chair)
Assistant Principal, Comberton Village College
Nick Beech
Head of School Improvement, Peterborough CS
Lesley Birch
Deputy CEO, Meridian Trust
Howard Astley-Jones
Maths Hub Link Coordinator, NCETM
Alice Hehir
The Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge
Andrew Johnson
CEO, West Norfolk Academies Trust​​
Claire Heald
Chief Executive, The Cam Academy Trust
Cordelia Myers
Cambridge Maths Hub Strategic & Senior Lead
Darroch Allden
Cambridge Maths Hub Lead
Ruchi Sabharwal
Headteacher, The Weatheralls Primary School​​
Sharon Tripconey
Director for Teacher Support, MEI
Stephen Astley
Unity Schools Partnership
Phil Hacking
Director of Maths, Hills Road Sixth Form College
Andy Christoforou
Headteacher, Abbey College
[The private Strategic Board admin page is here.]